The Sacred City of Caral is located in the valley of Supe, in the province of Barranca, department of Lima, 185 km away to the north of the capital city. Considered as America's oldest civilization (3,000 BC), the Caral-Supe culture reached a high development in organization, architecture and religious worship, comparable only to the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian, and Chinese cultures, with an advance of Almost 1,500 years.
Considered as the "Mother Culture" of all developed in Peru, the city of Sagrada de Caral occupies an area of 60 hectares of desert land, on top of a plateau between the hills, which dominates the valley of Supe. In the archaeological zone you can easily identify 6 pyramidal buildings, built with rocks and joined with clay mortar, which stand out from an architectural complex totaling 52 buildings (smaller amphitheater temples and houses)
Los trabajos de investigación y puesta en valor de “La Ciudad de las Pirámides”, como llaman algunos a la ciudad de Caral, continúan. No dudamos que en pocos años se convertirá en uno de los sitios arqueológicos más importantes del país.
Ubicación y visita Ciudad de Caral
Provincia de Barranca- Lima
Horario de atención: Todos los días de 8.00 a.m. a 5.00 p.m.
Nacionales y extranjeros S/. 11.00 soles.
Estudiantes S/. 4.00 Niños S/. 1.00
(cuenta con Museo de sitio y SS.HH.)